No library today, it was Martin Luther King Jr. Day and I think the library was closed. Plus, one of my Young Women needed some help getting an outfit ready for a job interview, they grow up so fast. So, we made it a family outing, we all (Jaron, Javin, YW and I) went to DI and had a blast!
We did talk about the letter V and put a Violet V on a Vertical Violet piece of paper.
We went to the library and then mostly hung out at home. We ate some Veggies and Javin argued with me about how lettuce isn't a Vegetable. This kid! He argues with me about EVERYTHING. Most days I have the patience to set him straight nicely, but sometimes I just want him to accept what I say as truth. I can't help but think this shouldn't be happening until he's at least a teenager.
We were going to do some Veggie painting, but I couldn't in good conscience buy Vegetables just to paint with them. I guess, we could of just used potatoes, they're cheap.
We read: Night of the Veggie Monster by George McClements
The Ugly Vegetables by Grace Lin
June 29, 1999 by David Wiesner
When Vegetables Go Bad! by Don Gillmor
We took advantage of the Winter Wednesdays at the Tracy Aviary. What is that? You ask. Well, each Wednesday until March-ish the admission fee is $1 per person. Hooray! Also, at 11:00 they do a reading time and the book was The Sulky Vulture by Sally Grindley, it was pretty good and the reader did a surprisingly good job. After he was done they brought out Chewy, the Vulture, for an up close encounter. He was REALLY excited for something (either the food, being out of his cage or the captive audience), but he kept squawking and running, which mostly scared the little kids.
Later that night my mom came over (on her birthday) to watch Javin so that Jaron and I could go out. Its a very long story, but she really wanted to and to make up for it being her birthday I made her birthday dinner and lemon bars. They watched Jungle Book and sang the Vulture song, "...we're your friends to the bitter end...".
We read: Zagazoo by Quentin Blake
Veronica by Roger Duvoisin
The inversion was so bad that we just stayed inside and talked about Violins.
We read: Zin! Zin! Zin! a Violin by Lloyd Moss
When Uncle Took the Fiddle by Libba Gray
Valentine and His Violin by Philip Hopman (OMG, Hilarious)
We were going to make a Volcano, but that didn't happen on the account that my house was a mess from being inside the day before. Since we didn't do the Volcano I was going to get Javin to make a Valentine for Mr. Robbins, but I couldn't find my heart punch or my contact paper to do this (that's the whole project). I really need a craft room.
We read: Uncle Blubbafink's Seriously Ridiculous Stories by Keith Graves
An Island Grows by Lola Schaefer
Dear Katie, The Volcano Is a Girl by Jean George
The Year of Jesus
2 years ago