After months of pestering me and bugging vendors at midnight and searching for the perfect one at the perfect price Jaron bought a gun. He's so proud of himself too. I can't tell you how many pictures he has made me take of him with his NEW toy.
I don't know much about guns, but from what he has said, I think he got a 12-gage shot gun - maybe. He got it from someone on KSL, he called him at like 6:00 am and woke him up to ask if anyone else had contacted him yet. Apparently guns are a hot commodity right now, something about Obama becoming President makes people scramble to buy as many guns as they can get their hands on.
I just know that Jaron says that he's a real man now. He doesn't have any bullets yet, but at least once a day he'll take it out of the case and aim it at something and pretend to shoot. Then he'll pump it/cock it (I don't know what to call it) like five times and aim it twice more then put it back in the case. He's so happy with himself. Isn't he just so cute with his little gun?!
im scared...
NOOOOOO!!! The 900 crew cracked him!!! They tried to get Drew sucked into their little gun club a couple weeks ago, but I absolutely refuse to have guns in our apartment (or in storage...or ANYWHERE!) WHY DIDN'T YOU MAKE JARON HOLD STRONG!!! Ha ha ha. Silly boys...
Jaron you are the man...
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