Library day! The ONLY words I could think of that start with X are X-ray and Xylophone (which doesn't really count because it makes a Z sound). So, I made an eXecutive decision to include words that have X anywhere in them. Best decision of the week! We didn't go straight home after the library, I had to stop off at Walmart to get some stuff, so we ate McD's since we were there. I brought some books in and we read while we ate, it was awesome! And we found an X word at lunch, boX!
We read: Alex and Max by Mary Salzmann
My X Words by Sharon Coan
A Fox: The Sound of X by Alice Flanagan
Alex and the Box Shop by Cecilia Minden
It's X! by Katherine Hengel (LOVED)
Super eXciting day! We were suppose to have a nice leisurely day talking about foXes and maybe doing some eXploring, but instead we cleaned up the "water" coming back up the sewage drain pipe in our/Tara's backroom. I say "water" because it was MOSTLY water and I don't have any real evidence that there was anything eXcremental in it, but it smelled gross, that's enough for me. I've convinced myself its Poop water. Tara and I spent the morning, well into the afternoon diverting "water" flow, wet-vaccing rising water and cleaning carpets - then I did my side (which was considerably worse, Tara caught the flood early). After the majority of the clean up was done I moved on to the task of finding a local, affordable plumber. Luckily we found Dan the Drain Champ, he was amazing at doing the plumber thing.
We read: Dinosaurs by Simms Taback (there is a T-ReX)
I meet my friend at my gym and we did a free spinning class while Javin eXercised in the kid's club. After I picked him up I had him fleX his strong muscles for me. On our way home we talked about muscles and bones and how a picture of bones is called an X-ray. We even made our own 'X-ray' (skeleton), don't judge my artistic ability - I know the arms are attached to the rib cage and the legs are shorter than the arms.
We read: Hospital by Jess Stockham
and I tried to read: A if for Musk Ox by Erin Cabatingan (I thought it was good, but Javin wasn't in a patient mood).
Javin's friends, Luke and Stanley, came over and played for hours - its SO nice to have Javin play in his room and not have to worry because he's being too quiet. After they left we have some lunch, PB and Js with celery and carrots in the shape of X's.
Mr. Robbins had to take over for bedtime because I had to complete 3 hours of mandatory overtime at work. They read: Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss
My Six Book by Jame Moncure
Fox Tale Soup by Tony Bonning
Aesop's Fox by Aki Sogabe
Little Fox Goes to the End of the World by Ann Tompert
I woke up at 4:30 am to go sit by the Porcelain God for about a hour. Being ill is eXhausting: chills, dry heaving, doubled over in pain, fever. Not sure if it was something I ate or something someone breathed on me. Regardless, it was a couch day. Until Javin and I made Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies for the YW Girls Camp fundraiser (I didn't breathe on them, just in case). Javin actually did most of it. He poured the boX of cake miX into the miXer, I put the can of pumpkin in and he poured in the chocolate chips. Then I had to go to work AND do the rest of my overtime :)
Javin has started sounding out words on his own, he sounded out Fff Ooo Xxx all by himself today!
We read:
Thesaurus Rex by Laya Steinberg
Outfoxing the Fox by Friederike Rave
Fox by Kate Banks
Hello, Red Fox by Eric Carle
The Year of Jesus
2 years ago
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